Monday, 30 June 2014

Temperature of new zealand making sentences about it

even if
provided that

Even if Hamilton temperature drops down it will still be warmer then Alexandra.
Since Taupo is warmer then Dunedin. Napier is warmer then all of them.
The North Island is hotter then the south because its closer to Argentina.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Interruption occur

What kind of interrupted occur?
When kids get sent from the student office, sports office and dentist. 
The loud speaker.
When the councillors comes in. 
When the internet goes down.

How does this affect us?
It usually takes up our learning time and takes us of the topic we were doing and puts us of task. 

How can we fix this?
Put a sign on the door 
Have a mail box so they can slip it in and then we make a job who to go and get the notices.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Clarifying social experiment

Social means is when people are hanging out or talking and having fun. Experiments: is when they do some surveys to people and get the data So I predict that the social experiment is about a science experiment when someone is going around the place and collect the data from what the people do.

Aim: Is to find out what peoples reactions are from what the speaker says. √

Hypothesis: I predict that the people that stays they want to listen more about the complements or when its a insulted they walk away. √

Sound recording
Populated spot √

1. Find a place thats a perfect place for the speaker
2. When people walk pass the speaker thats when it starts playing
3. and see what people reacted from what it says. √

My hypothesis was correct some of the people were insulted so they walked away and the people that had a compliment they wanted to listen more.√

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Internet scams

Summarise who this letter is from, who it is to, and what it is about.
Her name is emily park and this is to unknown. This is about a scam that a US citizen has been scammed by it she has lost US 74,000 +  for the past years. The scammers were from Africa 
that she has been one of the victims from the scam She is 66 years old and she live at the reside here in Centreville Virginia U.S.A.

What are 2 reasons you know that this letter is a scam.
Maria has sent out a lot of different emails about completed content
She has a lot of races Indian, Philippine, American and she has another email that says google

Give 3 pieces of evidence (excerpts of sentences) that prove that this letter is a scam.
1. Please contact Mrs. Maria Farnandez through her email address ( or you can as well reach her on her telephone number which she gave to me directly (+234-9094654395)

2. The only Money I paid after I meet with Mrs. Maria Fernandez was just $250.00 for the ownership paper

3. From: Emily Park <> and then she has (

Describe a scam or prank you have heard about or been subject to.
I got an email that has said that I have one a free i pad I was really excited but when I clicked it. It asked me some personal questions so I quitted out of it.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Subordinating conjunction sentences

whether or not     
as soon as  
even though

I couldn't go to school today, because I had nits in my hair.
You can go to your friends house, since you did your room.
I can go to the movies, after I baby sit my brother.
You can go out for fittness, as soon as you finish your home work.
Im still running, even though I sprang my ankle.
While I was out, my brother drop my laptop.
Although I broke my arm, I still did tennis.
As I was walking down the street, there was a dog barking at me.
Before I went to school, I had to pull the rubbish bins down.
Whether or not I don't like maths, I still have to do it.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

McDonalds FIFA world cup

The Brazil burger
- Beef
- Kidney beans
- Sweet corn
- Red onion
- Tomato puree
- Red cabbage
- Cos lettuce
- Carrot
- Mayonnaise
- Brazil sauce
- Capsicum
- Salsa

                                          The brazil burger ingredients how it represents brazil
  The beans is represented from brazil from mostly every burger in brazil has one of them called Picana.


Thursday, 5 June 2014

The science behind a glow stick

What I think now (before we start)
I predict that when someone snaps a glow stick. The chemical inside will have a chemical that can make it glow

What I think now (after hearing others’ ideas)
When you snap the glow stick there is like a glass tube with another chemical thats inside the glass tube breaks from when your snapping it and the chemical inside it gets release and joins to the other chemical.

What I think now (after seeing Miss C cut open the tube)What I think now (after seeing Miss C cut open the tube)
When Miss c cut the glow stick and put it in the plastic then there was a glass tube inside with another chemical. Then Miss c broke the glass and the chemicals joined with it and it joined with the chemical on the plastic then she mixed it together and it glowed.

What I think now (after researching)
The chemical inside the glow stick is Phenyl oxalate thats with the dye thats inside the plastic then Hydrogen peroxide thats inside the glass tube.

Synthesis is when at the start of predicting of the topic and you start learning from learning from the process to the old to the new process.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Sampling lesson

- what is a sample?
A sample is when you get a peace of information from people and other stuff

- why take a sample?
To find out what is happening in the world example: I am going to find out and see if the water is safe to drink

- what are some examples of sampling done irl?
What proportion of cars on the road have airbags?

- what does the word ‘population’ mean?
Population is when you collect a amount of people or things that you sample ask.

- how can you tell if are you sampling the right population?
Bias is when it is unfair and fair is the correct one cause you are testing more people then just one.
Survey question: Should the school uniform bottom half be changed to track pants?

Sample of population: Girls at TIS

Fair or bias 

Monday, 2 June 2014

Interview with Bailey

Me: Good morning Bailey.

Bailey: Good morning. 

Me: How many countries did you travel over 4 years?

Bailey: Twelve. 

Me: How many international students including you went?

Bailey: Around about 15. 

Me: So, what was your greatest moment on your travel to 12 countries?

Bailey: Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro.

Me: How did you join the TSG High school?

Bailey: Well, It all started from me going on TGS online then I went to the TGS high school then me and the others started travelling around the world

Me: Thank you for this talk Bailey.

Link to the article