Sunday, 9 March 2014

Homophones your and you're

1. Your and you’re are homophones. Why are they homophones?: Your and you're these two sound the same like your is replace with my and you're is you're is you are

2. Explain IN YOUR OWN WORDS! (no copy and pasting) when should we use your and when should we use you’re?

How to use you you're
You're means you are a good friend.
How to use your.
Your means your apple is on the table.

3.Write 3 example sentences using your and 3 example sentences using you’re. These sentences should be about YOU and your life and not be copied and pasted.

Your food is ready. Your friend is at the door. Your clothes are in the dryer.

4. Write 2 sentences OF YOUR OWN which contain both your and you’re.

Your laptop is here "Where is it" under the table thank you Im going out side "Ok" hi Liam your a good brother

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