Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Peel for a family member

Write a PEEL paragraph about a family member (Mum, Dad, brother, sister etc.)

You must:

Decide on your umbrella Point  about him/her
Give at least 3 Explain reasons, each with an specific Example
Finish with a Linking sentence back to your P statement.
Use sequencing words for your reasons

My sister is a selfie freak. Firstly every time when she gets home she runs up stairs and grabs here tablet and takes selfies every time I walk into her room bam she is taking selfies she even does it in the Bathroom, Outside, my room, her room, my mums room, friends houses every where. she ask me to take a photo of her

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Election day

When is election day?
Saturday 20th of September (Tomorrow)

What hours can you vote on election day?
9:00 am to 7:00 pm

What date does this year’s election officially end?
Saturday the 4th october

Why does it have a gap between election day and when the election ends?
It finishes at the 4 october because they need time to calculate the percentage of what the party's got
and how much seats they have got and who wins.

Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.

They have to take the billboards down before election day.

Sign-written vehicles
You cant put any names or party's on your vehicle at election day

Fixed signage on party headquarters and MP’s electorate offices
You can leave your normal signs in your office but not special

Delivery of election material prohibited
There can not have any letters in there mailboxes

Websites and social media
You can keep the post that you did before election day but when its election day or after you can't

Processions and demonstrations
You can not allowed to protest before 7 am

Streamers, rosettes, ribbons etc
Can't have a badge or ribbons that say vote for national

Clothing promoting the party or candidate
No T-shirts but they can where party colours
Imitation ballot papers

Assistance to get to a voting place
They can ask some one to drive them there

At the voting place
They can not ignore people to make them vote for them

Campaigning around advance voting places

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Nz local Mps

Which electorate do you live within?
Bay of plenty

List the candidates for the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate.
Bay of plenty
Clare Wilson from labour 
Todd Muller from national 

Ian McLean from candidate 

Which candidate would you vote for and why?

How long has the Tauranga electorate existed?
1881 - 2014

Has the Tauranga MP over its history been mainly National or mainly Labour?

When was the last election?

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Explain our MMP voting system (Mixed Member Proportional)

The voting system for new zealand is called the MMP (Mixed Member Proportional)
MMP is the system that we currently use to elect our parliament. Each voter gets two votes one for the political party and the other vote is for voting a local Mp. each time people vote for a party they will get a percentage if they are below 5% they will not get any seats but they can join a different party to go above 5% or the national or labour can talk to the smaller parties and they can join together to go above 60% they can call them self the government.

Monday, 15 September 2014

The civilian party

Investigate The Civilian Party. What are some of their policies?
Bring ultra-fast broadband access to the majority of rural New Zealand by 2016 and dial-up to Invercargill by 2017.

Establish a space program, and become the first nation in Australasia to send a man to the moon; not to explore it, just someone we don’t like.

Replace New Zealand’s national anthem with the theme song from the 1996 film Space Jam, by Quad City DJs. A Maori version of Space Jam shall be composed to be sung alongside the English version.

Ice cream.

Maintain New Zealand’s long-term commitment to free nuclear energy.

You want to set up a political party in this coming election. How do you do that?
1. Your party name needs to have 52 characters

Name your party.
The master mlg new zealand

Create a policy for
Hospitals and doctors help people for free

Each year when a kid finishes school with a good score they get $200

Every house will get a pass code to get pass and there will be more cops around the cities

People will get $6000 if they have a family and are poor a year

Old people get there own walking sticks when they past there 65s

People will more look after the ENVIRONMENT

If people are being annoying they get sent to the jail for one day
When family has a new member they get a whole tier box of stuff to help them look after it
Houses should be more cheaper

Thursday, 11 September 2014


For each of the following political parties
Your own choice of party


1 policy you think is a good policy. Copy and paste the policy. Say why you think it is a good policy.
  • National 
  • Good: Boost defence spending by $535 million over four years from Budget 2014.
  • I think this is a good policy because they are using money to get better equipment and more cops so we will be more safer around the town.
  • Good: Labour will give our kids more one on one Time with their teachers by reducing class sizes.
  • This will give us more room when we are doing work and walking around 
Internet mana 
Internet MANA will introduce a government-funded breakfast and lunch programme into low decile schools to ensure all children are fed and able to learn each school day.

This is good for the kids that do not get any food at home because they don't have any money 

Every home and business would have cheaper, faster Internet to reap the 21st century benefits of new technology and the Internet for families and businesses.

This is good for my family especially my dad because of his work he needs it to finish it and its good for the people that have no internet and laptops. 

1 policy you think is a bad policy. Copy and paste the policy. Say why you think it is a bad policy.
  • Bad: Maintain the Racing Safety Development Fund – giving $1 million a year to race clubs around the country
  • This is a bad policy because they are wasting $1 million just to give it to racing clubs they do not need that money 
Labour believes health outcomes should not be predetermined by location, ethnicity or ability to pay. Good healthcare is the right of all New zealanders 
This is not fair because its only over 65 and mostly old people are rich 

1 policy which will affect YOU directly. Copy and paste the policy. Say how this policy will affect you.
Give every school high quality ultra-fast broadband and faster broadband to ensure 
This will help us learn because we need internet to do our work 

commit $183 million to a comprehensive Youth Employment Package to ensure all New Zealanders  under the age of 20 are in work, education or training,

This will help us to learn and get more equipment to help us learn from what they have gave us 

Find 3 political words or phrases which you don’t know the meaning of. Copy down the sentence and underline the word.
commit $183 million to a comprehensive Youth Employment Package to ensure all New Zealanders  under the age of 20 are in work, education or training,

Focus ACC on rehabilitation, injury prevention, and streamlining processes, while maintaining high levels of service.

Use any further fiscal headroom to get debt to 20 per cent of GDP debt earlier than 2020.
Clarify the meaning of the word or phrase in this sentence and the meaning of the whole sentence.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Time zones

What is a time zone?
A different place has a different time depending where the sun is at.

Why do we have time zones?
The sun is always in one country or two countries so it will awkward if USA is a sleep at 12pm
and we are awake so it will be weird if we all have the same time

How are the time zones set?
When the sun goes directly above the town it will set to 12o clock pm

Which direction does the Earth rotate? (clockwise or anticlockwise)

How many time zones are there altogether?
24 time zones

Sunday, 7 September 2014


"Good morning Ryan," said Oliver.
"HI," said Ryan turning away from Oliver.
"Why are you walking away from me," said Oliver very sadly.
"Cause your annoying," Ryan shouted at Oliver.
"How am I annoying" Oliver said.
"When I was trying to sleep," Ryan said angrily.
"How was I annoying when you were asleep?" said Oliver.
"Dude!!! you pushed me of the tree and you shacked me to wake up,"Yelling at him
"I was just bored and you are the only one around here so I through rocks at you"
"Wait you hit me with rocks when I was sleeping"
"Thats it your going to get a punch"
"Pls don't hurt me"