Wednesday 21 May 2014

200 Word story

Camp fire

It was midnight I was with my friends in a forest just to have fun we were telling stories to scare them. After that we went into the tent and we knocked off and slept for a while later there was a scream and everyone ran out of the tents and wondering who was that scream
someone was missing there was a trail of and we started walking neck minute there was a river and we walked over and there was a cave and we went in there and we were shivering from the cold.

There was a noise outside so we went out and someone jump out of the bushes and it was John. John Whispered to me that bob like Britney
“No way”
When we walked back and we went to the campfire and we were talking about what John told me. Bob was very disappointed what I said
“I don’t like her” Bob replied
We didn't reply back we went to bed and it was morning the sun was up and the birds tweeting and there was a Bear?

we sneaked trying for the bear to not know what we are doing. The bear started running to us so we gaped hard as we can down the hill out of the forest.

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